Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Planning For Profit In Five Years

Thinking ahead can be a key to success in real estate, especially when you can get involved early in the game. Your next big future opportunity could be nearby, or it could be hundreds of miles away. The biggest challenge is uncovering it.


Here is another example, which happens to be five years away. I'm sure some people are no longer reading this, moving on thinking that "I need to worry about this week - not five years from now". (I'm thinking that five years from now they will still be worried about 'this' week.) What I see is five years to create a significant income opportunity.


We have two major university health systems combining forces in the already growing North Carolina Triangle area. Per the story linked below, they are planning a full-service children's hospital for an area which, obviously, has a growing need.


Meanwhile, there are possibilities for every sector of the real estate community. My years of working with real estate developers and builders, investors and investor groups, agents and brokers, and non-conventional lenders has me well aware of what can happen.



Although investors are not likely participants in the actual hospital grounds, there is going to be a need for hospitality, short-term rentals, employee housing, and nearby restaurants, shopping, and transportation. Consequently, commercial and residential brokers can be helping their clients with land acquisition, home buyers, and development opportunities. Lenders and private money ventures will have plenty of possibilities. Medical practices may want to consider a new or satellite location. The list goes on.


Whether you are nearby in North Carolina or across the country, I see plans like this and think of specific clients my team and I could help. "Next week", or sooner, is the time to discuss this with me!  

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