In an effort to improve the impact of the marketing of listings, I randomly choose current listings around the country in a variety of price ranges and comment on their effectiveness. No current clients of mine are used, nor do I know any sellers or buyers or have any additional information about the property.
6032 Baker Rd. Huntington WV 4 + 2.5 $189,900
The photo spread brings a very positive first impression. The angle of the primary photo provides a good feel for the scope of the home. The remainder of the photo spread is well sorted among both exterior and interior photos. Exterior shots show how the small trees fit with the nice landscaping and look of the property from all sides. The interior shots give a potential buyer a very good idea of how the furniture and look of the various rooms can add to the appeal of the property.
However, the description follows by not supporting the photo spread. Selling points such as the shiny hardwood floors, deck, porch, and the 2-car attached garage are not mentioned early. Instead, the creator of this advertisement takes the approach that the potential buyer is already "sold" on considering this property. Pointing out when the roof, tile, and flooring were last updated is an important consideration to a potential buyer. Yet, my feeling from a marketing standpoint is that this is too soon of a time to present those details.
They are counting on keeping the readers' interest to the point of THEN finding out about the features of the interior and exterior, along with details such as all 4 bedrooms being a different size. Yet, after reading the entire page, we still do not know how many of the bedrooms are upstairs or downstairs. These days, 4-bedroom or larger houses are not always for families with children. It could be for a group of roommates or generations of family. In that event, this advertisement does not provide enough information to entice them to follow up. Yet, this could actually be an ideal property for that purpose.
Had the features I describe appeared within the description, and the detail in the description been held out or given later on, this would be a superb advertisement.
Note: This commentary is uncompensated and for marketing purposes only and is no reflection on the featured property. Its accuracy is not guaranteed. Neither Dave Kohl nor First In Promotions shall be held responsible for any representations.
At this time, I have openings for more realty agent/office clients to critique current and brand new listings on an hourly basis. No current or past client listings are featured on this blog.Random listings are chosen around the country.
Your comments are most welcome!
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4 months ago
1 comment:
First impression is last impression everybody know if we can show all quality in first meeting it is give us lots of benefit
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