This is still another story about an upcoming business and residential development in the Houston area, separate from the one I referenced last week.
If you are a real estate agent or a current or potential home seller within minutes of the referenced area, my suggestion is to take heed of this valuable information.
If you are a real estate agent or current or potential home seller not in this section of Houston, you should start looking for information such as this which is pertinent to your area.
Buyers and investors are not looking at statistics about sales and prices from months or a year ago. They are looking for a good deal, and for future potential.
Using this Houston area as an example, homeowners near that development now have the opportunity to sell an ideal location where more jobs will soon be available. Where more shopping, both in terms of quantity and quality, will soon be available. Chances are this development will enhance or add to current local public transportation options.
In other words, don't look at it as though you are "close to an empty lot". Start looking at it in terms of the opportunity you will have to offer a potential buyer seeking a quality place to work and/or to shop nearby.
A sharp realty agent should be researching how and WHERE property values have risen upon the opening of such a development in other parts of the same region. If you can't find anything close by, keep looking. You can also look by population. So if you can't find anything similar in terms of eventual sales success in Houston, then perhaps you will find something in Dallas, or Philadelphia, or some other city as large as Houston, which you can use to "sell" the potential.
Chances are that the home you will want to sell is not the only "3 bedroom 2 bath home with...." (whatever amenities it offers) in your region. But if your home is closer to this development, and the jobs, shopping, and transportation it brings, you have a selling point that your competition does not.
You are marketing more than just the home and the property. A little research, especially ongoing, can go a long way toward a faster sale at a better price.
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4 months ago
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