I know I have pointed this out before, but it happened again today. A Chicago Tribune article about a former player for the Chicago Bears listing his home for sale appeared today.
Yet, even with not one but TWO agents sharing the listing, the story shows that both "declined to comment on the listing":
It's certainly not necessary to the story, but as an advertising and marketing expert specifically for real estate and mortgages for the past 23 years, I'd certainly like to know why both of these agents would "decline" to comment on a listing.
In these days of mostly negative real estate news and statistics all over the media, I would like to think that an agent would seize the day at the opportunity to "comment" on a prime listing.
Face it. If this home was not owned by a former local pro football player (or anyone with celebrity status), this home being listed would not be "news". There are numerous other properties in this and higher price ranges that have come on the market within the past 30 days, but were not picked up by the biggest newspaper in a city the size of Chicago.
Positive publicity, as well as individual publicity of this magnitue, for any agent is hard to come by. What a blown opportunity.
How can they "decline to comment"?
Is there something about this home that will keep it from selling? Is it not priced right?
Don't get me wrong. I am not implying that there is a problem with the listing or that it will or won't sell at the pace set by the current market.
These agents do not have to comment about the former football player or anything personal in order to make this the positive opportunity it should be.
What at least one of the agents should have said:
"I hope the buyers are as happy there as the previous owner."
"This home won't last long. It is the best price in the area."
"What an ideal place to raise a family in luxury."
"Such a rare opportunity to live in beautiful Long Grove. We don't get listings of this caliber very often at all."
I could go on, but (obviously) these agents are not advertising or marketing clients of mine. You get the idea. One comment along those lines from the listing agent and it results in thousands of dollars of free publicity for them and for the property.
What do you think when you hear someone answer even a simple question with "No comment"?
Exactly. It isn't good.
When you are next selling (or representing) a property, the agent or seller had better be ready to "comment" about it at any opportunity.
The more positives in real estate news, the faster things will turn around.
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4 months ago
Yeah, that's strange. Comments are what help us connect with clients on a personable and interactive level. It sounds lazy to me. It also sounds like they're not too interested in making any money.
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