The NAR has put out some startling news that puts a positive spin on the market, for a change.
Yet, it is hard to believe. They claim that the 2nd most search city on is (Are you ready for this?) none other than Detroit.
I can understand Chicago being on top of the list, even with its snowiest February in more than 100 years. My thinking is this is because a number of area residents got so fed up with winter that they would consider selling, and want to compare area home prices. Still others who live within the city limits of Chicago are not happy with the actions of the soon-to-depart Mayor, and are looking to move out of the city and in to the suburbs or perhaps beyond.
But Detroit?
The only thing I can figure is that with houses there being priced so low, and with the banks paying next to nothing for Certificates of Deposit and other investments, a number of people are looking at buying and holding properties in the Detroit area for a few years. They figure somehow the city will be rebuilt or at least be brought back to life somehow.
Meanwhile, this is the sort of information that the NAR should be putting out. It reminds people that consumers are using their sites and continuing to search for properties. This is much better than the damage they do by actually releasing the "home sales are down x% compared with last month and last year" stats they seem to constantly do. Those only reinforce the belief that the market is bad. Not that it is great, but people within the industry need to keep a positive slant at all times.
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4 months ago
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Excellent blog and great post ..
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